Setting Sustainable New Years Resolutions (Free Worksheet Download)

A new year brings about pressure for a lot of people to come up with resolutions. Most resolutions fail to be sustainable because we don’t build sustainability around them and often even say things out of pressure. We don’t come up with a plan of execution and often choose things that we want but lose steam after the first quarter of the year.

For 2024 let’s pick goals that are sustainable!

Sustainability is important with goal setting because we want the steps to achieve these goals to be easily incorporated into our days.

Sustainable goals should be:

  • Easy to track and see our progress

  • Realistic

  • Connected to our purpose

Pick 1 overarching theme for the year. An example could be “Live with Intention.”

Break that theme down into 3-5 smaller goals with even smaller steps that you can track and measure that do not overwhelm you. Make sure these goals are relevant to your overall purpose so you’re easily able to connect to a meaning and maintain motivation. The steps to accomplish these goals should not be stressful or cause you to overexert yourself.

I also love chunking actions together — if these steps can be added to things you already do, it can be so helpful in creating new habits!

For example, if your goal is to wash your face more often, begin washing your face when you brush your teeth. It’s seamless to chunk those actions together and place everything within reach. We can track this in a journal or simply by seeing how much soap we use. You can easily build on this habit by adding lotion right after!

Use the free downloadable worksheet below to help you set and maintain your sustainable goals!